T-Minus Engineering develops, manfuactures and launches rocket systems and other space/aerial vehicles. The T-Minus DART and T-Minus CanSat launcher are offered off-the-shelf, but as every project comes with a different set of requirements, we can design rocket-related products that exactly meet your needs, from low-altitude launchers to full sounding rockets for space research. Feel free to contact us for more information.

T-Minus DART
The T-Minus DART is a system for fast and low-cost probing of the upper atmosphere. A certain part of the atmosphere is hardly investigated until now. At altitudes between 50 and 120 km, the air density is too low for balloons to float, and too high for satellites to maintain their orbit. Sounding rockets can be used to perform in-situ measurements, but these are usually too expensive for simple and frequent missions.
The T-Minus DART system is designed to fill this void. With this low-cost and rapidly deployable rocket system, small payloads can be launched to altitudes above 120 km, from which they can descend through the atmosphere and perform in-situ measurements. The vehicle consists of a lightweight and powerful booster motor and a dart-shaped payload compartment. The booster diameter is 118 mm, compatible with existing Viper IIIA launch equipment. The diameter of the dart is only 35 mm, in order to minimize drag losses.
Scientific payload
Three types of payload are currently envisioned:
Passive payload (reflective chaff or inflated sphere)
Smart-dart with PTU sensors and inertial or GPS-based flight path determination
Customized payload: a dart with customer-designed sensors, equipped with service system and telemetry link
The maximum payload volume is 30 x 250 mm (DxL) The use of a recovery / deceleration system is optional for increased measurement time.
Range test vehicle
Other than the use as scientific probing vehicle, the DART serves as an excellent range test vehicle as well. Its small size, low cost and ease of operation make it an ideal platform to quickly map the weather conditions in the higher layers of the atmosphere. Next to that, the correct functioning of range equipment such as telemetry and radar stations can easily be verified in realistic mission conditions.
Upon ignition, the booster provides thrust for 6.5 seconds. After burnout, the aerodynamic forces cause vehicle separation and the dart coasts until it reaches apogee altitude, approximately 150 seconds into the flight. Here, the recovery system is activated, so that the measurement time is maximized. The booster follows a ballistic trajectory until it impacts on the ground.
In 2017, the DART project was awarded an Horizon 2020 SME-Instrument grant. Within the SME phase 1, a feasibility study will be performed that addresses the final steps required for commercialization: a detailed survey of user demands, formation of a European consortium for executing two demo launch campaigns and addressing the regulations regarding transport and operations. It leads to an elaborated business plan and market implementation roadmap.

Booster characteristics
Dart characteristics
Motor dimensions
Diameter 0.118 [m] (Viper IIA compatible)
Length 2.3 [m]
Motor performance
Burn time 5 [s]
Average thrust 8 [kN]
Motor weights
Propellant mass 22 [kg]
Loaded mass 29 [kg]
Other characteristics
Propellant type AP composite
Casing material Carbon fiber reinforced plastic
Nozzle material Aluminum/graphit
Diameter35 mm
Length1.2 m
Total mass3.5 kg
Payload mass0.5 kg
T-Minus DART
The T-Minus DART is a system for fast and low-cost probing of the upper atmosphere. A certain part of the atmosphere is hardly investigated until now. At altitudes between 50 and 120 km, the air density is too low for balloons to float, and too high for satellites to maintain their orbit. Sounding rockets can be used to perform in-situ measurements, but these are usually too expensive for simple and frequent missions.
The T-Minus DART system is designed to fill this void. With this low-cost and rapidly deployable rocket system, small payloads can be launched to altitudes above 120 km, from which they can descend through the atmosphere and perform in-situ measurements. The vehicle consists of a lightweight and powerful booster motor and a dart-shaped payload compartment. The booster diameter is 118 mm, compatible with existing Viper IIIA launch equipment. The diameter of the dart is only 35 mm, in order to minimize drag losses.
Scientific payload
Three types of payload are currently envisioned:
Passive payload (reflective chaff or inflated sphere)
Smart-dart with PTU sensors and inertial or GPS-based flight path determination
Customized payload: a dart with customer-designed sensors, equipped with service system and telemetry link
The maximum payload volume is 30 x 250 mm (DxL) The use of a recovery / deceleration system is optional for increased measurement time.
Range test vehicle
Other than the use as scientific probing vehicle, the DART serves as an excellent range test vehicle as well. Its small size, low cost and ease of operation make it an ideal platform to quickly map the weather conditions in the higher layers of the atmosphere. Next to that, the correct functioning of range equipment such as telemetry and radar stations can easily be verified in realistic mission conditions.
Upon ignition, the booster provides thrust for 6.5 seconds. After burnout, the aerodynamic forces cause vehicle separation and the dart coasts until it reaches apogee altitude, approximately 150 seconds into the flight. Here, the recovery system is activated, so that the measurement time is maximized. The booster follows a ballistic trajectory until it impacts on the ground.
In 2017, the DART project was awarded an Horizon 2020 SME-Instrument grant. Within the SME phase 1, a feasibility study will be performed that addresses the final steps required for commercialization: a detailed survey of user demands, formation of a European consortium for executing two demo launch campaigns and addressing the regulations regarding transport and operations. It leads to an elaborated business plan and market implementation roadmap.

Booster characteristics
Dart characteristics
Motor dimensions
Motor performance
Burn time
Average thrust
Motor weights
Propellant mass
Loaded mass
Other characteristics
Propellant type
Casing material
Nozzle material
0.118 [m] (Viper IIA compatible)
2.3 [m]
5 [s]
8 [kN]
22 [kg]
29 [kg]
AP composite
Carbon fiber reinforced plastic
Total mass
Payload mass
35 mm
1.2 m
3.5 kg
0.5 kg
T-Minus Can Sat Launcher
he T-Minus CanSat launcher is a 3.17-meter tall rocket, capable of launching and deploying 6 CanSats simultaneously at an altitude in excess of one kilometer. The rocket itself has a diameter of 0.2 meters. The rocket has an "ogive-shaped" nosecone and a conical tail cone for good aerodynamic performance after motor burnout. The mass of the rocket, including 6 CanSats, parachute, and rocket motor, is approximately 23 kg.
The rocket is equipped with a parachute in order to safely recover the vehicle. When landing correctly, the vehicle could be re-used after a refurbishment and check-out. The vehicle is aerodynamically stabilized and has no active stabilisation controls. The rocket motor produces 4300 Ns of impulse, and has a burn time of 4.2 seconds. The propellant formulation is chosen such that the environmental impact is as low as possible.
In order to speed up the actual launching operations, the vehicle is divided into two sections:
A fin section, which contains the rocket motor and other pyrotechnical equipment. This section is stored away from the students.
The CanSat bay, which houses the six CanSats, is completely non-pyrotechnical. It is the only part with which the students interact.
T-Minus CanSat Launcher
The T-Minus CanSat launcher is a 3.17-meter tall rocket, capable of launching and deploying 6 CanSats simultaneously at an altitude in excess of one kilometer. The rocket itself has a diameter of 0.2 meters. The rocket has an "ogive-shaped" nosecone and a conical tail cone for good aerodynamic performance after motor burnout. The mass of the rocket, including 6 CanSats, parachute, and rocket motor, is approximately 23 kg.
The rocket is equipped with a parachute in order to safely recover the vehicle. When landing correctly, the vehicle could be re-used after a refurbishment and check-out. The vehicle is aerodynamically stabilized and has no active stabilisation controls. The rocket motor produces 4300 Ns of impulse, and has a burn time of 4.2 seconds. The propellant formulation is chosen such that the environmental impact is as low as possible.
In order to speed up the actual launching operations, the vehicle is divided into two sections:
A fin section, which contains the rocket motor and other pyrotechnical equipment. This section is stored away from the students.
The CanSat bay, which houses the six CanSats, is completely non-pyrotechnical. It is the only part with which the students interact.